3 Things

1.  Rest in Peace Paul Newman.  Here’s to a classy, classy superfox *lifting diet coke in a toast*.

2.  The last couple days have been an interesting reminder of one of the big reasons I like sports.  I have always tended towards the “fretful” when it comes to world events and politics.  For about a week my stress levels have been steadily increasing.  Mass chaos in the banking industry + a presidential election = a freaked out Katebits.  A few days ago I was sitting on the couch feeling generally fearful so I decided to take a break from anxiously pondering the future of the world to do my football picks for the week.  Ten minutes later, I felt totally fine.  Not stressed at all.  Thinking about football teams I know nothing about cured me of my anxiety, at least for a few minutes.  I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating:  I am constantly amazed at what an effective tool sports are for deflecting unnecessary stress.  I have two choices this weekend.  I can either stress out about $700 billion dollars and a bunch of lunatics in Washington, OR I can stress out about whether a titan can beat a viking.  I don’t seem to have room in my pea-brain for both.  If I thought there was a single benefit to be gained from stressing about $700 billion dollars I would go for it, but as far a I can tell, that situation is WELL out of my control.  Football is out of my control too, but at least it’s amusing.  As we approach the election I have a feeling I am going to rely more and more on sports to keep me sane, which is of course, BAT SHIT CRAZY.  Heh.

(Note:  Fear not, TWC shall remain a politics-free zone, now and forevermore.  Please, no politics in the comments.)

3.  Tomorrow I won’t be able to watch the football game, but I WILL be able to attend the Sabres preseason game versus the Wild.  Thanks to the fabulous Keller, Heather B and I will be seeing the game from right behind the shoot-twice goal.  Keller has moved to St. Louis so he can’t use his preseason tickets and he graciously donated them to us.  WOOOOOOO!!  You can expect a full (redonkulous) report.

9 Responses to “3 Things”

  1. 1 bbC September 27, 2008 at 6:33 pm

    I’ll be at the game too!

  2. 2 ms.conduct September 27, 2008 at 7:57 pm

    Oh boy, can I ask a favor? Can you find a moment or two to gather some impressions of my Wild boys? I’m particularly interested in Clutterbuck. He should be pretty noticeable with that name. :) But anyone else who stands out would be great to know, too (Hamilton, Locke, Noreau, Cuma, especially). They’re playing lots of my AHL babyfaces in that game.

  3. 3 grrrreg September 27, 2008 at 8:19 pm

    I really hope Locke gets a chance to play in the nhl with the Wild. He’s been really good for the Bulldogs in the AHL, but he never really got a chance in Montreal. The poor guy was finally called up at some point during last season, but he could not play his first ever nhl game, because his equipment was lost at the airport… He really deserves better!

    Enjoy the game tomorrow!

  4. 4 Shari September 27, 2008 at 9:29 pm

    We were out to dinner last night sitting next to a table of 6 which one of them had to announce he was drinking manhattans (I have terrible memories of that fire water!) and they were all arguing the whole time about the election. THAT drives me nuts!

    I’m so sad about Paul Newman. What a great life he must have had.

    Ok, Buffalo just tied the game….I wish these games were on tv!

  5. 5 Destiny September 27, 2008 at 10:02 pm

    Yay! I’m going to the game tomorrow too!

    I forgot where I’m sitting, though. Haha! I know it’s in 100 level in the corner like six or ten rows up. I can’t believe I forgot. My friend’s got my ticket. Oh well I know I’m going and that’s what counts! I’m gonna rock my outdated Derek Plante black and red jersey. He was on the team like, ten years ago but he was one of my first favorites so I <3 my jersey still. :) At least until I get a Slug jersey with the Goose of course!

    Go Sabres!

  6. 6 Valerie (aka blitzen) September 27, 2008 at 10:21 pm

    Cory Locke is a former Ottawa 67s. He played lights-out in the OHL but it hasn’t translated into a full-time gig in the bigs. Rumour has it that he is (was?) a bit full of himself. Hopefully a change of scenery will inspire a change in attitude. Tyler Cuma (another 67s in the Wild organization) hasn’t been listed on any Wild roster to date (even as a scratch) so I doubt he will play. But if you see him, let us know how he does. We want him to do well in Minny but we want him back soon (and in one piece please).

    Enjoy your pre-season hockey!

  7. 7 ms.conduct September 27, 2008 at 11:26 pm

    Grrreg, I’ve heard that sentiment a lot for Locke. But I gotta tell ya, we’re so desperate for offense in Houston. To give you an idea: Last season, our top scorer was 139th for points in the league. 139th!! And he left as a free agent! Corey was 11th in the league in point. I’m salivating at the thought of not having to pray and scratch and scrape for every goal…

    Valerie, us Wild fans are wetting ourselves over Cuma. What a seriously good kid. I can’t wait until he’s up with the club. He’s on the roster for this game, and I think Lemaire wants to play him.

  8. 8 Katebits September 28, 2008 at 11:17 am

    I will do my best to notice the Wild, although I might have my hands full just trying to sort through the Sabres. Clutterbuck is totally on my radar though. You’re right, ms. conduct, a name like that is hard to forget. :P

  9. 9 ms.conduct September 28, 2008 at 7:43 pm

    Totally understand. I usually only notice guys on the other team when they piss me off. Which is kinda Clutterbuck’s job… :) My Little Agitator.

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