Archive for the 'Tim Connolly' Category

Let’s Blow This Baby Up

I’m kind of a drama queen when it comes to the Sabres (although oddly, I’m not a drama queen in any other area of my life), so I felt a little bit of vindication when I made my morning blog rounds today.  It seems I’m not the only person who thought that that was THE WORST HOCKEY GAME IN THE HISTORY OF TIME AND SPACE.  I mean, I’ve seen the Sabres suck plenty of times before, but that game last night was an abomination.  I’m not sure that either team successfully completed a pass all night.  I will forever remember that game as ten guys standing in the middle of the rink kicking the puck around randomly with their skates.  For all I know, they didn’t even USE hockey sticks last night.

But the details about last night are neither here nor there.  The main point is that the Sabres are not a good hockey team.  I’ll admit, I’ve lost ALL patience for waiting around for this particular group of guys to pull it together.  It’s not going to happen.  Drastic steps must be taken.

I’m not ordinarily the type of blogger to play the role of GM.  I don’t feel very confident with my hockey analysis, but this situation has inspired me to go out on a limb and write a serious post about what I would do if I were the GM of the Sabres.  In my opinion, this team needs a major shake-up.

Here are the moves I would make:

Tim Connolly should be retired and sent to a farm to live out his remaining years grazing peacefully.  It’s the most humane solution at this point.

Drew Stafford should be traded for Evgeni Malkin.

Derek Roy‘s talent should be surgically extracted and implanted into Paul Gaustad.  This is a dangerous scheme because there’s a risk that Goose could be infected with some of Roy-Z’s personality as well as his talent (that, of course, would be disastrous/tragic), but I’m sure we can all agree that a Goose/Roy-Z hybrid would be a useful player to have around.  I think it’s worth the risk.  After the talent transferring procedure, the now talentless Derek Roy can become Goose’s personal assistant.  Everyone wins….except Goose, who now has a talentless Derek Roy following him around all the time.

Ryan Miller needs his glass eye removed and replaced with a real eye.  He’s done pretty well with one glass eye, considering, but it’s clear that he needs two good eyes to compete in the NHL.  He might as well get his wonky eyebrow re-cocked while he’s at it.

Jason Pominville needs to be taken off the point on the power play.

Henrik Tallinder and Toni Lydman need to be sent out into the deep forest and each be given a match, a single bottle of water, and a penknife.  They have 48 hours to hunt and kill the other.  Whoever comes out alive gets to keep his job.

Thomas Vanek should be paid $7.1 million dollars per year for the next six years.

Clarke MacArthur should be traded to the Blackhawks for Patrick Sharp and Patrick Kane.

Max Afinogenov and Ales Kotalik should be melted down and then recast as Christmas tree ornaments which the Sabres wives and girlfriends can then sell in the concourse to benefit charity.

Andrew Peters should be waived and Adam Mair should start actively practicing punching people and being punched in return.

Patrick Kaleta should be sent to Portland, and Danny Paille should start actively practicing being really, really annoying.

Nathan Paetsch should be traded for Nicklas Lidstrom.

Craig Rivet should be returned to the San Jose Sharks.  This is a mercy trade made of behalf of Rivet who is probably looking at his old team with extreme longing right about now.  This poor dude was living a perfectly happy life in California a few months ago, and now, through no fault of his own, he’s the CAPTAIN of this train wreck.  Poor dude.  I want to set him free.

Mark Mancari, Nathan Gerbe, and Tim Kennedy should all be given trial jobs with the Sabres, but they should be FORBIDDEN from socializing with any of their elder teammates.  Everyday after practice they should be chauffeured to their grim apartments at the Extended Stay America off the 290, and supervised for the remainer of the day.  If any of them even glances wistfully at Chippewa St, they should be automatically fired/executed.

Teppo Numminen should be compelled to retire so that he may begin some sort of job which involves him standing behind the bench with James Patrick looking foxy in a well tailored suit.

Jaroslav Spacek should call a press conference and then bite the head off the pigeon so that we never have to hear about that dumb thing again.  (This isn’t so much of a personnel move as it is a personal request from me to Jaro.)


So that’s what I would do if I were GM.

Poor Timmy?

According to Mike Harrington and John Vogl, Tim Connolly has a broken rib.  The thing is, it took three days and two rounds of x-rays before Timmy’s was correctly diagnosed.  Timmy actually played in an NHL game before they figured out that he even had a broken rib.

Now, I dislike Tim Connolly as much as the next viola-playing-Sabres-blogger, but even I have to feel a little badly for poor Timmy on this one.  I bet nobody in the Sabres organization takes Tim seriously anymore when he complains about pain.  He’s like the boy who cried wolf….only there ACTUALLY IS a wolf EVERY SINGLE TIME!

Here’s how I imagine things went down with Tim Connolly last week.

After the hit during the game:

Timmy: My chest hurts.
Lindy: Shut up.

After the game was over:

Timmy: No, seriously.  My chest really hurts.
Lindy: Shut up.
Team Doctor: We’ll do an x-ray just to be on the safe side.

After the first x-ray:

Timmy: My chest really hurts, you guys.
Doctors: Well, that’s weird because you’re fine.  There is nothing wrong with you.
Lindy: I’m so sick of you.  If you don’t quit your bitching and man-up RIGHT THIS SECOND, you are never seeing another minute of NHL ice time on my watch. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!
Timmy: *whimper*

After the game that Timmy played with a broken rib:


After the second x-ray:

Doctor: My bad.  Turns out you have a broken rib.
Lindy: Tim, I really give you a lot of credit for playing through this injury.  Sorry we didn’t believe you.
Timmy:  (shooting death glares) I want two puck bunnies and a six pack of Zima in my hotel room in the next ten minutes or I am going to sue you people into oblivion.
Darcy Reiger: Done.


Like all self-obsessed bloggers, I keep a fairly careful eye on my blog stats. The most fun of the all blog stats, is of course, the list of search terms that bring people to my site. In the daily sea of “Ryan Miller girlfriend”s and “belichick hoodie”s is a delightful list of random, and not-so-random search terms.

Every once in awhile, I like to amuse Schnookie and Pookie by typing a funny search term into google, and clicking on the link that leads back to IPB. Then, the next day, I’ll get an email from one of them that is like, “Um, are you the one who found IPB by searching for Boxworthy is seriously peeved?”, at which point I deny any involvement in such a ridiculous matter, and everyone has a laugh.

It has recently occurred to me that the Sabres are most likely playing the same game with me. I think it’s perfectly reasonable to assume that the Sabres love nothing more than to send me cryptic messages via google search terms. (Hockey players are known to be subtle, computer-saavy communicators.)

This is a screen shot of a list of search terms people used to find The Willful Caboose:

I will now, one by one, address each of these messages sent to me by various Sabres.

A. Hank, if you want to send Heather a message, I suggest you click the link that leads back to her blog, not mine.

B. Derek, you’re being really insecure. You’re a great guy, but I think you’d be a lot happier if you stopped constantly comparing yourself to your teammates. Just relax! (But the answer is Tim Connolly.)

C. Me too, Pommerdoodle. Me too.

And here is my favorite search term put into Google by a Sabre:

I figured as much, Goose, but it’s still nice to hear.

Toni Tony Tone, Timmy, and Roysie

(This post is a part of a series entitled “Kate’s Favorite Sabre Competition” in which I am choosing my 2007/08 favorite Sabre by process of elimination. Each and every Sabre is a hero, but in the end, there can be only one favorite.)


Let’s dig right in to our fourth round of cuts, shall we?

Toni Lydman #5

Toni Lydman made it a lot farther in this competition than I thought he would. I have no idea why, but I kind of like this fella. I suspect that my affection for Toni Lydman is based on two things:

1. He’s grinning like loon in his roster photo. (Note to non-smiley Sabres: Why so grumpy?)
2. When I did an image search for Toni Lydman, I found this, this, and this. I totally dig the many faces of Toni Tony Tone, and I admire a man who is not afraid to mix it up, hair-wise.

Toni likes to listen to “thrash metal” (whatever that is), and I’m a classical musician by trade. I can’t help but imagine the two of us together on a long car ride, fighting good-naturedly for control of the radio, each secretly enjoying the others music. I could teach him to like Bartok, and he could teach me to like TestAmenT. We’d be so cute together!

Oh, who am I kidding? These “opposites attract” things never last. Toni, this just isn’t going to work…but at least we’ll always have that awesome road trip to remember. Dollywood ’07, Baby!!! Whoooo-OOooo!!!

Tim Connolly #19

Tim Connolly is a little too pretty for my tastes. Something about those luscious lips just don’t say “Favorite Sabre” to me. Also, all I ever hear about is how Timmy is only one concussion away from needing to hire a full-time drool wiper. His delicacy scares me, and I don’t think I can handle a year of watching him play while peeking through the fingers over my eyes. The Sabres have high hopes for Tim Connolly, and I hear that if he can put together a full, injury-free season, it’s possible he’ll make us forget all about Daniel Briere. Hell, yeah, is all I have to say about that.

I have every hope that someday Connolly’s delicateness will be overshadowed by his badassedness, and when that day comes, I will happily revisit his “Favorite Sabre” status. Until then, buckle your seat-belt, watch your head, and don’t get hurt, Timmy.

Derek Roy #9

Derek Roy reminds me of so many boys that I have known over the years. He’s that guy that you used to hate in your math class, but then when you hung out with him in art class, he was almost kind of cool. You’ve known him since you were both little kids. For years your best friend had a crush on him, and (even though you warned her that he was a punk) she finally made out with him at the homecoming dance. Of course he was really rude to her in the halls after that, and so you had to pretend that you hated him even though you didn’t. Frankly, your friend was kind of an idiot, and he really hadn’t done anything that horrible…..he was just being Derek. And then, years later you ran into him in a bar, and he brought her up (your friend) and he told you that he had always felt badly about how he treated her, and that he had only ignored her because she made him so nervous. You admitted that you didn’t think it was that big a deal, and that you never really had, and you apologized for siding so strongly with your girlfriend all those years ago. So you guys had a laugh about how stupid everyone was in high school, and you suddenly realized that you had known Derek Roy for twenty years, but until that moment, you had never realized that you two were kind of friends. For a brief second in the bar you thought, “Whoa, am I hot for Derek?” But thankfully, you quickly came to your senses, because…..eww. No.

There is so much to like about Derek Roy’s playing. He’s scrappy, fast, and dynamic; but then there is the diving and the whining, and I’m sorry…….but, eww. No. I am however extremely glad to have him on the team for the next six years, and I look forward to seeing if he can step up into a leadership role in the absence of the co-captains next season. I don’t really have the hockey smarts to speculate too much on his potential production, but he’s clearly a key member of the little crew of guys that came up from Rochester. At this point, they’ve all known each other forever. It’s time for Derek to dive (see how I did that?) right into his “hockey adulthood”.


Alright, Dear Readers, this is it. After this round, there are no more easy cuts. Brace yourselves because it’s going to get ruthless in here!

…A Blog About the Buffalo Sabres

Observations 2
I can be reached at: willfulcaboose [at] gmail [dot] com

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In accordance with the Fair Use Copyright Law, The Willful Caboose uses logos and registered trademarks of the National Hockey League to convey my criticism and inform the public of the Sabres' suckitude/badassitude (whatever the case may be). Photos on The Willful Caboose are used without permission, but do not interfere with said owner's profit. If you own a specific image on this site and want it removed, please e-mail me (willfulcaboose [at] gmail [dot] com) and I will be more than happy willing to oblige. (Special thanks to The Pensblog for their help with this disclaimer.)
